Your Entertaining Style
Formal sit down dinner with placecards
Formal sit down dinner with placecards
Signature cocktails & hors d'oeuvers
Signature cocktails & hors d'oeuvers
Casual dinner party with close friends/family
Casual dinner party with close friends/family
Large carefree party
Large carefree party
Favorite Travel destination
A bustling city
A bustling city
On the ocean
On the ocean
Quiet retreat in the mountains
Quiet retreat in the mountains
Camping in the forest
Camping in the forest
Best Describes Your Bedroom Dresser
My grandmother’s antique
My grandmother’s antique
I built it myself from fallen timber
I built it myself from fallen timber
It’s a new piece that just hit the showroom floor
It’s a new piece that just hit the showroom floor
I had it custom made to fit the room
I had it custom made to fit the room
Your Dining Preference
Try all the new and trendy restaurants
Try all the new and trendy restaurants
Stay in and cook
Stay in and cook
Frequent your favorite hidden gem
Frequent your favorite hidden gem
Order healthy takeout
Order healthy takeout
I Have Several Of These In My Wardrobe
Organic tees
Organic tees
Vintage sweaters
Vintage sweaters
Designer dresses
Designer dresses
Favorite Publication
Apartment Therapy
Apartment Therapy
The New York Times
The New York Times
National Geographic
National Geographic
Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest
Favorite Style Of Art
Painting - Oil, watercolor, or other
Painting - Oil, watercolor, or other
Abstract painting in a classy frame
Abstract painting in a classy frame
Black & white photography
Black & white photography
Your Go To Color Palette
Soft but colorful
Soft but colorful
Bright bold colors
Bright bold colors
All white
All white

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